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Evolution RTS Download] [torrent Full]

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

About This Game Evolution RTS is a free an Open Source RTS game designed using the Spring Engine. It has been in development for many years and receives updates often. Its gameplay is designed specifically to appeal to gamers of all skill levels. The gameplay is designed around the use of unit groups, and the mixture of your unit group often will determine how successful you are in battle, as opposed to churning out hundreds of the same unit continually.The economy and teching system is easy to learn and use. The game itself supplies many tools that make managing your economy easier so that you can focus more on crushing your enemy than of playing simcity in your base. Units interact using realistic physics and varied terrain (you can actually micro units in order to dodge projectiles!).Below is a very short list of the features that Evolution RTS has to offer:Realistic PhysicsProjectiles and units use a realistic physics system which allow for unprecedented control and gameplay. Micro your units to avoid projectiles. Hide behind terrain for cover.Epic and Macro scalesControl the battlefield and a level that feels the most comfortable to you, whether zoomed in controlling individual units, zoomed out viewing the entire map and issuing orders on a macro scale, or somewhere in between! You are in complete control!Fine tuning controls for buildersSet builders on repeat so that they repeat the orders you give infinitely until they die. Adjust builder priority in order to control the amount of resources allocated to that specific builder’s construction project.Unique Cover System allows you to easily set up ambushesHide your army in rocks and foilage completely undetected and lie in wait to ambush your enemy!Gameplay geared towards casual gamers in addition to hardcore rts fans, as opposed to only being fun to play at the higher levelsGameplay designed around being easy to learn yet hard to master. As a newbie you can be up and running in no time, and the gameplay ensures that just because you are new, you aren’t necessarily at a huge disadvantage.Hundreds of units at onceThe Spring Engine allows for hundreds or thousands of units to be beating the daylights out of each other all at once. Gameplay scales seamlessly to fit!Unique unit abilitiesDiscover units with special abilities, such as the ORB with it’s incredible area healing abilities, or the Overseer with it’s EMP ability!Simple EconomyThe economy is designed to be easy to learn, and use. There are only two resources in the game; Energy and Metal. Energy is used for utility purposes such as unit ammunition, powering shields, and building nuclear missiles, whereas metal is used to construct structures and units. Metal income is split between allies and resources that overflow the player’s capacity automatically flow into allies banks.Easy to learn teching systemSimple teching system that revolves around using the same buildings that supply energy as a means to increase your tech availability ensure seamless transitions into heavier unit technologies.Beautiful effectsFull particle effects engine and beautiful effects painstakingly created down to the last detail ensure that every battle will be visually stunning!Full SoundtrackFull in-game soundtrack that highlights the mood based upon whether you are building structures in your base or engaged in an all out no holds barred war for survival will keep you on your toes and fuel your need for dominance! Over 40+ tracks!Easy battle formationsEasy to use battle formations via selecting a group of units, right-clicking and dragging on the map make it easy for you to give complex orders to your units, even in the midst of a battle!Intelligent Unit Targeting AIUnits automatically target the best enemy units to attack on their own, leaving you to concentrate on formations, flanking, and commanding your army!Give orders via the mini-mapFull unit orders can be given via the minimap, so you can control your units intuitively no matter where your camera is pointing.Place map markers with or without labels, and draw directly on the mapMap markers, drawing, and labels make it easy for you and your allies to communicate your battle plans, and illustrate them!Unit balance dependent on unit mixture instead of one unit owning an entire army all by itselfUnit balance is designed so that composition matters more than simply churning out hordes of the most expensive unit.Intelligent builder AIBuilders have a plethora of tools and options available to use to help you with macro tasks so that you can focus on kicking robotic ass!Completely customizeable GUIThe many parts of the in-game gui can easily be moved around, resized, and positioned exactly how you like it! Be your own boss!Gorgeously detailed unit textures and designsAutomatic ladder ranking and replay system free, forever!Open Source!http://www.source.evolutionrts.infoEvolution RTS is a continually evolving and developing game; Come and join our community! We love having more people to talk to and play with! Preemptively, welcome to our community! 1075eedd30 Title: Evolution RTSGenre: Casual, Free to Play, Simulation, StrategyDeveloper:Forboding AngelRelease Date: 4 Apr, 2014 Evolution RTS Download] [torrent Full] Some will see this as a lot of work just to play a game. If you can even get it to work that is. Many bugs appear in the SpringWebLobby, which is what you actually download. The game isn't downloaded immediately. Then you have to download engines which can be a hassle. This might have been a good game to play, but it's to confusing and complicated without much help.. not the smoothest running game. steep learning curve with no instruction or tutorial missions.. Visually distinct game with intriguing gameplay when you could get it to work. Extremely fast pace game with effective UI, though can be overwhelming at timesEdit: issue was resolved with help from Developer, turn out it only affect old players who migrate to steam.. Heres a short list of what this game is.1. The game is fairly interesting and competitive.2. It isn't EvoRTS, but "spring web lobby" which leads you to all the spring games it supports. Including Evorts.3. When you play the game, don't be afraid to ask for help. It is very tough for new players to understand and might be more fun with friends or someone helping you understand it.The game overall is pretty good, but the biggest flaw of the game is the community. The community is rather small and it's often difficult to find a good server, because of this some map makers prefer creating small maps since a large map would be harder to play with a smaller team, and most of the players that ARE playing are pros that don't hold back against noobs, which makes the game tougher as a player who plays normal rts games that have different stratagies.. Very fun and a game that once givin a chance it is one of the best you shall find

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